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Hi MOD - Petersen Stainless Insulators have an internal ball-socket in the main body that threads onto the connecting stud. The nut is insulated from the stainless steel body by a Tufnol™ socket, preventing electrical transference to the insulator body. The Hi MOD - Petersen Stainless Insulators insulators meets or exceeds current electrical standards for marine backstay insulators. Mehr erfahren
Hi Mod - Petersen Stainless Insulators have an internal ball-socket in the main body that threads onto the connecting stud. The nut is insulated from the stainless steel body by a Tufnol™ socket, preventing electrical transference to the insulator body. The Hi Mod - Petersen Stainless Insulators insulators meets or exceeds current electrical standards for marine backstay insulators. Mehr erfahren
Hi Mod - Petersen Stainless Insulators have an internal ball-socket in the main body that threads onto the connecting stud. The nut is insulated from the stainless steel body by a Tufnol™ socket, preventing electrical transference to the insulator body. The Hi Mod - Petersen Stainless Insulators insulators meets or exceeds current electrical standards for marine backstay insulators. Mehr erfahren
Hi MOD - Petersen Stainless Insulators have an internal ball-socket in the main body that threads onto the connecting stud. The nut is insulated from the stainless steel body by a Tufnol™ socket, preventing electrical transference to the insulator body. The Hi MOD - Petersen Stainless Insulators insulators meets or exceeds current electrical standards for marine backstay insulators. Mehr erfahren
Hi MOD - Petersen Stainless Insulators have an internal ball-socket in the main body that threads onto the connecting stud. The nut is insulated from the stainless steel body by a Tufnol™ socket, preventing electrical transference to the insulator body. The Hi MOD - Petersen Stainless Insulators insulators meets or exceeds current electrical standards for marine backstay insulators. Mehr erfahren