Series 30 HHL Orbit Block,Single & becket, lashing headArtikelnummer: RF35109HLThe Ronstan Series 30 Orbit™ Lashing block is the perfect solution for High-load cascade or vang-systems. The maximum working load is 550kgs and the breaking load is 1650kgs.
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Series 30 BB Orbit Block,Single & becket, lashing head RF35101Artikelnummer: RF35101For mainsheet systems and spinnaker sheets on dinghies to 5m (16ft). Halyard, vang and backstay applications on boats to 5m (16ft) or Control line applications on larger yachts Mehr erfahren
Series 55 Ball Bearing Orbit Block Single RF55101Artikelnummer: RF55101Easily fitted and securely retained Dyneema Link head. Mehr erfahren
Series 55 Ball Bearing Orbit Block Single, becket RF55111Artikelnummer: RF55111Easily fitted and securely retained Dyneema Link head
Ultra low profile becket Mehr erfahren -
Series 55 Ratchet Orbit Block Single, Auto & Manual RF56101Artikelnummer: RF56101Easily fitted and securely retained Dyneema® Link head. Automatic & manual ratchet block Mehr erfahren