Series 30 BB Orbit Block, Cheek Block RF35151Artikelnummer: RF35151Base suits curved mounting base Mehr erfahren
Series 55 BB Orbit Block, Cheek RF55151Artikelnummer: RF55151Cheek block with recessed underside to suit cruved mounting surface Mehr erfahren
Series 55 RT Orbit Block, Cheek, Clockwise Rotation RF56151Artikelnummer: RF56151• Up to 20:1 holding power
• Smooth easing of sheets
• High performance cleating
• Automatic & manual ratchet block Mehr erfahren -
Series 55 RT Orbit Block, Cheek Anti-Clockwise Rotation RF56151AArtikelnummer: RF56151AAutomatic & manual ratchet block Mehr erfahren
Series 60 Core Block, Foot RF64151Artikelnummer: RF64151Core Blocks™ are a true all round solution. A tuned 2-stage bearing system provides excellent performance across the full working load range with an integrated thrust bearing feature and the resilience to handle high dynamic or static loads. Mehr erfahren
Series 60 Core Block, Double Foot RF64251Artikelnummer: RF64251Core Blocks™ are a true all round solution. A tuned 2-stage bearing system provides excellent performance across the full working load range with an integrated thrust bearing feature and the resilience to handle high dynamic or static loads. Mehr erfahren